79 rezultatov
Using Hoshin Kanri to Improve the Value Stream(2009) CUDNEY, ELIZABETH A. (MARYVILLE UNIVERSITY, ST. LOUIS, USA)While value stream mapping is accepted as a tool for identifying waste, achieving the full implementation pictured in an enhanced future state map is more complex than its development. Hoshin Kanri can help. This method encourages employees to incorporateVezava: Mehka86,50 €
Optimal Design Exploiting 3D Printing and Metamaterials(2022)This book explores the potential for combining recent advances from three fields - metamaterials, automated optimal design and 3D printing. The role of metamaterials in innovative device design is explored, and the development of 3D printing techniques foVezava: Trda189,00 €
Lean Leadership BASICS(2021) MEYERS, MICHAEL (CONSULTANT, W3GROUP, LATHAM, NEW YORK, USA),PROTZMAN, CHARLES (BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT GROUP, LLC., TOWSON, MARYLAND, USA),PROTZMAN, DAN (BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT GROUP, LLC, PERRY HALL, MARYLAND, USA),BARBON, DAVIDE,KEEN, WILLIAM,OWENS, CLIFFThis book outlines the Lean tools needed on the front lines including visual management tools, Gemba walks, standard work, time analysis, kanban, 5S and more. The authors use engaging stories and case studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of shop floorVezava: Mehka66,14 €
TPM Playbook(2019) ORTIZ, CHRIS A.This book is a guideline for implementation and it is intended for the Lean practitioner looking for a training tool and a guideline that can be used in the work area while improvements are being conducted. It describes how to effectively implement totalVezava: Trda252,00 €
Value Stream Management(2002) TAPPING, DONValue stream management simplifies planning for lean implementation. It links the metrics and reporting required by management with the tools needed on the manufacturing floor. In this volume, the authors stress the importance of reaching beyond single-poVezava: Mehka94,97 €
Toolbox Book, The(1998) TOLPIN, JThis work is a survey of toolboxes and aims to show how to store, protect, organise and transport tools, along with how to select materials and construct nine types of storage systems. The author also introduces the reader to the history and origin of tooVezava: Mehka36,13 €