22 rezultatov
Human Factors and Ergonomics Design Handbook, Third Edition(2016) TILLMAN, BARRY,FITTS, DAVID,ROSE-SUNDHOLM, RHONDA,TILLMAN, PEGGYWritten by an expert in the field, the new edition of this innovative resource incorporates latest findings and trends of ergonomics in designing human-friendly products to maximize the device functionalities and minimize the negative influence to the humVezava: Trda168,32 €
Resilience Engineering(2006) WOODS, DAVID D.Offering an introduction to Resilience Engineering of systems, this book provides insights into system safety as an aggregate of its various components, subsystems, software, organizations, human behaviours, and the way in which they interact. It is intenVezava: Mehka84,79 €
Behind Human Error(2010) WOODS, DAVID,DEKKER, SIDNEY,COOK, RICHARD,JOHANNESEN, LEILA,SARTER, NADINEHuman error is cited over and over as a cause of incidents and accidents. This book takes you behind the human error label. It begins by summarising the most significant research results. It explores how a changing understanding of accidents and an embracVezava: Mehka84,79 €
Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics, Fourth Edition(2017) ROBERT BRIDGERVezava: Mehka165,38 €
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Practice: Improving System Performance and Human Wellbeing in the Real World(2016) STEVEN SHORROCKVezava: Mehka84,79 €
Pre-Accident Investigations(2016) CONKLIN, TODDThis book is written as a companion to the author’s previous published 2012 title "Pre-Accident Investigations: An Introduction to Organizational Safety." In this new book the safety professional is given the tools, the next - first steps, and examples toVezava: Mehka84,79 €
Next Generation Safety Leadership(2020) LLOYD, CLIVE (GYST CONSULTING PTY LTD, NERANG,QLD)This book provides safety leaders and their organisations with a compelling case for change. A key predictor of safety performance is trust, and its associated components of integrity, ability and benevolence (care). The next generation of safety leadersVezava: Trda98,36 €
Critical Thinking(2020) WATSON JR., GERALD J. (CONSULTING ENGINEERING, SACRAMENTO, CA)Errors happen for many reasons. This book takes a hands-on approach to the reasons why errors might happen and ways to possibly prevent them. The author covers errors committed by himself and colleagues in industry, academia, healthcare, and in governmentVezava: Mehka59,15 €
Safety Insights(2020)Public safety as well as the safety of products and services is of paramount importance and interest to individuals, organizations and the society. Safety successes are achieved every second, but we take them for granted and we do not appreciate the challVezava: Trda119,60 €
Armour(2022) HAZELL, PAUL J. (THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA)Updated throughout for the new edition, Armour: Materials, Theory, and Design covers extant and emergent protection technologies driving advances in armour systems. Covering materials, theory and design, the book has applications in vehicle, ship, personnVezava: Trda220,50 €
AI by Design(2022) CAMPBELL, CATRIONAAI by Design introduces AI and its importance to our future. Exploring behavioural psychology, economics, and real-life and historical examples, Campbell predicts five future scenarios with AI, orientated around the "Singularity" - the moment when AI exceVezava: Mehka47,76 €
Preventing Industrial Accidents(2022) BUSCH, CARSTENBased on some serious ‘safety archaeology’ which gave access to many of Heinrich’s original papers, books and detailed biographical information, this book deals with the life and work of Heinrich as well as the context he worked within, and investigates hVezava: Mehka71,22 €
Foundations of Safety Science(2019) DEKKER, SIDNEY (GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY, NATHAN CAMPUS, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA)This book offers a comprehensive overview of the theoretical foundations of safety science and provides balanced treatment of all approaches since the early 20th century, showing interlinkages and cross-connections between the approaches.Vezava: Mehka88,19 €
Safety Leadership(2021) DE BOER, ROBERT J. (DIRECTOR, AMSTERDAM CAMPUS, NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY)The text discusses a different, doable, and directed approach to improve safety, overall organizational performance, as witnessed in various industries across the globe. It will be an ideal reference text for professionals, academicians, students (undergrVezava: Mehka100,06 €
Safety Anarchist(2017) DEKKER, SIDNEYMany incident- and injury rates have flatlined. Bureaucracy and compliance now seems more about managing the liability of the people they work for. It is time for people who trust people more than process, who rely on horizontally coordinating experiencesVezava: Mehka64,30 €