83 rezultatov
Resilience Engineering(2006) WOODS, DAVID D.Offering an introduction to Resilience Engineering of systems, this book provides insights into system safety as an aggregate of its various components, subsystems, software, organizations, human behaviours, and the way in which they interact. It is intenVezava: Mehka84,79 €
Invention by Design(1998) PETROSKI, HENRYThis book offers an insider’s look at the political and cultural dimensions of design, development, and production, and reaffirms Petroski as the master explicator of the principles and processes that turn thoughts into the many things that define our matVezava: Mehka39,94 €
Designing Interactions(2006) MOGGRIDGE, BILLA pioneer in interaction design tells the stories of designers who changed the way people use everyday things in the digital era, interviewing the founders of Google, the creator of The Sims, the inventors and developers of the mouse and the desktop, andVezava: Trda68,86 €
Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly(2010) BOOTHROYD, GEOFFREY (BOOTHROYD DEWHURST INC., WAKEFIELD, RHODE ISLAND, USA),DEWHURST, PETER (UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND, KINGSTON, USA),KNIGHT, WINSTON A. (UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND, KINGSTON, USA)Suitable for use in product design and design for manufacture courses, this book includes case studies of the application of design for manufacture and assembly (DFMA) techniques, important industry changes, and emphasis on trends such as design for powerVezava: Trda244,13 €
Behind Human Error(2010) WOODS, DAVID,DEKKER, SIDNEY,COOK, RICHARD,JOHANNESEN, LEILA,SARTER, NADINEHuman error is cited over and over as a cause of incidents and accidents. This book takes you behind the human error label. It begins by summarising the most significant research results. It explores how a changing understanding of accidents and an embracVezava: Mehka84,79 €
Bodyspace(2005) PHEASANT, STEPHEN (UNIVERSITY OF SURREY, GUILDFORD, UK),HASLEGRAVE, CHRISTINE M. (UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, UK)This third edition maintains the same content and structure as previous editions, but updates the material and references to account for recent developments in the field, including new research findings and anthropometric surveys.Vezava: Trda128,91 €
Elements of Boat Strength: For Builders, Designers, and Owners(1999) GERR, DAVEExplains a system of scantling rules and rules-of-thumb for calculating the necessary dimensions, or scantlings, of hulls, decks, and other boat parts, whether built of fiberglass, wood, wood-epoxy composite, steel, or aluminum. This book also offers a diVezava: Trda38,90 €
Design Research Through Practice(2011) KOSKINEN, ILPO,ZIMMERMAN, JOHN,BINDER, THOMAS,REDSTROM, JOHAN,WENSVEEN, STEPHANBusinesses and the HCI and Interaction Design communities have embraced design and design research. This book studies three design research traditions that cover methodological directions in research community. Taking you from the Lab, Field and to the ShVezava: Mehka59,48 €