67 rezultatov
Zgodba človeškega telesa: Evolucija, zdravje in bolezen(2018) DANIEL LIEBERMANVezava: Mehka28,90 €
Imperial Leather: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest(1995) ANNE MCCLINTOCKVezava: Mehka83,11 €
Invitation to Ethnomethodology(2004) FRANCIS, DAVID J.,HESTER, STEPHENThis book offer a new and rigorous approach to observational sociology that is grounded in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis.Vezava: Trda283,50 €
Handbook of Ethnography(2007)Ethnography is one of the chief research methods in sociology, anthropology and other cognate disciplines in the social sciences. This book provides an unparalleled, critical guide to its principles and practice.Vezava: Mehka112,22 €
Pedagogies of Crossing(2006) ALEXANDER, M. JACQUIA collection of essays by Alexander addressing the implications of transnational thinking for our understanding of gender, sex, sexuality, and raceVezava: Mehka45,01 €
Body Multiple(2003) MOL, ANNEMARIEDrawing on fieldwork in a Dutch university hospital, this title looks at the day-to-day diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis. It focuses on medical anthropology, sociology, feminist theory, philosophy, and science and technology studies to reframe sVezava: Mehka35,36 €
Origin of Our Species(2012) STRINGER, CHRISDo all humans originate from Africa? How did we spread across the globe? Are we separate from Neanderthals, or do some of us actually have their genes? Has human evolution stopped, or are we still evolving? This title tackles the big questions in the ongoVezava: Mehka15,27 €
Black Europe and the African Diaspora(2009)Multifaceted analyses of the African diaspora in EuropeVezava: Mehka45,01 €
Ontogeny of Information(2000) OYAMA, SUSANArgues compellingly that nature and nurture are not alternative influences on human development but, rather, developmental products and the developmental processes that produce them. This title shows that what developmental information" does depends on whVezava: Mehka43,40 €
Longitudinal Qualitative Research(2003) SALDANA, JOHNNYProfessor Saldaña briefly discusses the basic elements of longitudinal qualitative data, examines time and change in longitudinal qualitative studies, and then offers sixteen specific questions through which researchers may approach the analysis of longitVezava: Mehka66,79 €
Smoke In The Lanes(2011) REEVE, DOMINICSmoke in the Lanes is the fascinating firsthand account of a bygone age of the Romani traveller way of life in 1950s England.Vezava: Mehka15,27 €
Liquidated(2009) HO, KARENAn ethnography of Wall Street, investment bankers and the cultural logics of finance.Vezava: Mehka43,40 €
Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World(2006) MALLORY, J. P.,ADAMS, D. Q.Introduces Proto-Indo-European, describes how it was reconstructed from its descendant languages, and shows what it reveals about the people who spoke it. Using related evidence from archaeology and natural history, this work explores the lives, thoughts,Vezava: Mehka72,92 €
Reflexive Ethnography(2007) AULL DAVIES, CHARLOTTEReflexive Ethnography provides a practical and comprehensive guide to ethnographic research methods which fully engages with the significant issues of modernism/postmodernism, subjectivity/objectivity and self/other.Vezava: Mehka73,49 €