Zbirka: Gospodarske in finančne krize in katastrofe

104 rezultatov

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    Zdravilo za koronavirus ali Kako vam komplementarne valute pomagajo preživeti težke čase(2020) TOMISLAV JURMAN
    Vezava: Mehka
    19,90 €
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    Kleptopia(2021) TOM BURGIS
    Vezava: Mehka
    15,27 €
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    Whoops!: Why Everyone Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay(2010) JOHN LANCHESTER
    Vezava: Mehka
    15,27 €
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    Chronicles: On Our Troubled Times(2017)
    15,27 €
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    Irrational Exuberance: Revised and Expanded Third Edition(2016) ROBERT J. SHILLER
    Vezava: Mehka
    28,10 €
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    Financial crises and the nature of capitalist money(2013) PIXLEY, JOCELYN
    This volume is a debate about a sociology and economics of money: a form of positive trespassing.
    Vezava: Trda
    141,74 €
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    Manias, Casinos, Bubbles and Crashes(2024) CANTERBERY, E. RAY
    Vezava: Mehka
    13,88 €
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    Manias, Casinos, Bubbles and Crashes(2024) CANTERBERY, E. RAY
    Vezava: Trda
    23,61 €
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    These Are the Plunderers(2024) MORGENSON, GRETCHEN,ROSNER, JOSHUA
    New York Times bestselling financial journalists Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner investigate the shadowy and debt-laden world of private equity, revealing how it leeches profits from everyday Americans, tanks the companies it acquires, and puts our e
    Vezava: Mehka
    18,05 €
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    How Do We Fix This Mess? The Economic Price of Having it all, and the Route to Lasting Prosperity(2013) PESTON, ROBERT
    What can we learn from the 2008 recession? ITV's political editor explains the global economic mess and how to escape it - in his characteristically straightforward way.
    Vezava: Mehka
    15,27 €

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