738 rezultatov

  • Ogled izdelka
    YMCA at War(2018)
    This collection examines the Young Men’s Christian Association’s support for soldiers and civilians during World War I and World War II. The contributors approach the topic from various angles and argue that the YMCA’s efforts routinely resulted in confli
    146,18 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh PB(2016) PYMAN, AVRIL
    A biography of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, combining rigorous research with keen insight into the life of the former leader of the Russian Orthodox Church in Great Britain.
    42,56 €
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    The Life and Death of Theodore of Stoudios(2021)
    The Life and Death of Theodore of Stoudios collects three important works promoting the influential Constantinople monastery of Stoudios and the memory of its founder, who is celebrated as a saint in the Orthodox Church for defending icon veneration. New
    46,09 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Worshiping with the Reformers(2021) MAAG, KARIN
    20,83 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Planting a Church Without Losing Your Soul – Nine Questions for the Spiritually Formed Pastor(2020) MOREY, TIM,SUNQUIST, SCOTT W.
    20,83 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Face to Face with Jesus – A Former Muslim`s Extraordinary Journey to Heaven and Encounter with the God of Love(2014) THOENE, BODIE,HABIB, SAMAA,BICKLE, MIKE,WRIGHT, JEMIMAH
    The thrilling and heart-wrenching true story of a former Muslim woman's journey to heaven and back when she was victim of a terrorist bombing.
    18,05 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Intercultural Theology, Volume Three – A Theology of Interreligious Relations(2019) WROGEMANN, HENNING
    47,24 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Intercultural Theology, Volume Two – Theologies of Mission(2018) WROGEMANN, HENNING
    47,24 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    State of Missiology Today – Global Innovations in Christian Witness(2016) VAN ENGEN, CHARLES E.
    34,73 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    I Dared to Call Him Father – The Miraculous Story of a Muslim Woman`s Encounter with God(2003) SHEIKH, BILQUIS,SCHNEIDER, RICHARD H.
    A first-person account of a wealthy Muslim woman in Pakistan who, through a succession of supernatural events, came to know God as her Father.
    16,66 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Time to Act(2020) WILLIAMS, TIME TO ACT JEREMY
    A timely, empowering and energizing resource book for Christian climate activists, as well as for those who support and encourage greater responsibility for the environment through their churches
    16,66 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Analog Church – Why We Need Real People, Places, and Things in the Digital Age(2020) KIM, JAY Y.,MCKNIGHT, SCOT
    16,66 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Disability and the Church – A Vision for Diversity and Inclusion(2021) HARDWICK, LAMAR,GAVENTA, BILL
    18,05 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    We Need To Talk About Race - Understanding the Black Experience in White Majority Churches(2019) LINDSAY, BEN
    A clear and compelling discussion of how the church can better reach, support and champion black congregation members
    15,27 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    The Centre Brain: Unleashing Your Persuasive Power(2017) ADAMS, STEVE
    A dynamic, popular-level book that will invite readers to discover why some communication works (and why some does not!) and inspire them to make the most of the messages on their hearts.
    15,27 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Cycling Out of the Comfort Zone: Two Boys, Two Bikes, One Unforgettable Mission(2017) GUILHAMON, CHARLES
    A fast-paced travel narrative that vividly conveys the freshness of the Christian faith and the excitement of being on a gap year. An insight into the lives of persecuted Christian communities the world over.
    16,66 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Introduction to the Devout Life(2017) SALES, FRANCIS DE
    A timeless classic on spiritual growth
    16,66 €
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    19,10 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Brand Luther(2016) PETTEGREE, ANDREW
    37,51 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Nahum(2020) TIMMER, DANIEL C.
    The Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament series serves pastors and teachers by providing them with a careful discourse analysis and interpretation of the Hebrew text, tracing the flow of argument in each Old Testament book and showing that
    37,52 €

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