68 rezultatov
Sklepanje pogodb glede nepremičnin in oblikovanje zemljiškoknjižnih dovolil(2018) RENATO VRENČURVezava: Broširana76,65 €
Zakon o množičnem vrednotenju nepremičnin (ZMVN-1): z uvodnimi pojasnili in komentarjem(2021) NEVA ŽIBRIK , TINA HUMARVezava: Mehka128,00 €
Zakon o zemljiški knjigi: s komentarjem in sodno prakso (2. spremenjena in dopolnjena izdaja)(2022) MATJAŽ TRATNIK2., spremenjena in dopolnjena izdajaVezava: Trda244,00 €
Complete Land Law(2019) BOGUSZ, BARBARA (LECTURER IN LAW, LECTURER IN LAW, UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER),SEXTON, ROGER (FORMERLY SENIOR LECTURER IN LAW, FORMERLY SENIOR LECTURER IN LAW, NOTTINGHAM TRENT UNIVERSITY)Complete Land Law series offer students a carefully blended combination of the subject's concepts, cases, and commentary. A combination which encourages critical thinking, stimulates analysis, and promotes a complete understanding.Vezava: Mehka39,27 €
Stamp Duty Land Tax Handbook(2009) JOHNSON, TONY,HART, CHRISWritten from a practical standpoint, this book details how the legislation works in common practice. It is based on practical experience of the work of surveyors applying the legislation in making valuations. It explains the potential pitfalls and use exaVezava: Mehka94,97 €
About Law: An Introduction(1996) HONORE, TONY (FORMERLY REGIUS PROFESSOR OF CIVIL LAW, FORMERLY REGIUS PROFESSOR OF CIVIL LAW, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD)This work provides a useful introduction for anyone wondering whether to study law or those who are simply curious to know more about it. It is not confined to English law, but deals with the Western tradition of law as a whole. It outlines the key probleVezava: Mehka69,81 €
Successful Property Letting, Revised and Updated(2020) LAWRENSON, DAVIDThe top-selling book on making money from property investment and buy-to-let, now fully revised and updated.Vezava: Mehka18,05 €
Social Ecology and the Right to the City - Towards Ecological and Democratic Cities(2019) VENTURINI, FEDERICO,DEGIRMENCI, EMET,MORALES, INES,MORALES, INESVezava: Mehka25,38 €
The Scotways Guide to the Law of Access to Land in Scotland(2018) COMBE, MALCOLM M.An invaluable guide for professionals, landowners and users of land in Scotland.Vezava: Mehka27,79 €
Making Sense of Land Law(2018) STROUD, APRIL (SOUTHAMPTON SOLENT UNIVERSITY, SOUTHAMPTON)Taking a fresh and innovative approach to the subject, Making Sense of Land Law is an essential textbook designed to help those coming to the subject for the first time.Vezava: Mehka64,30 €