43 rezultatov
Sklepanje pogodb glede nepremičnin in oblikovanje zemljiškoknjižnih dovolil(2018) RENATO VRENČURVezava: Broširana76,65 €
Zakon o množičnem vrednotenju nepremičnin (ZMVN-1): z uvodnimi pojasnili in komentarjem(2021) NEVA ŽIBRIK , TINA HUMARVezava: Mehka128,00 €
Zakon o zemljiški knjigi: s komentarjem in sodno prakso (2. spremenjena in dopolnjena izdaja)(2022) MATJAŽ TRATNIK2., spremenjena in dopolnjena izdajaVezava: Trda244,00 €
Law of Rights of Light(2024) KARAS, JONATHANThe Law of Rights of Light is a new and comprehensive treatment of the controversial topic of rights of light and is an essential addition to the shelves of lawyers, surveyors and other property professionals.Vezava: Trda172,27 €
Successful Property Letting, Revised and Updated(2020) LAWRENSON, DAVIDThe top-selling book on making money from property investment and buy-to-let, now fully revised and updated.Vezava: Mehka18,05 €
Social Ecology and the Right to the City - Towards Ecological and Democratic Cities(2019) VENTURINI, FEDERICO,DEGIRMENCI, EMET,MORALES, INES,MORALES, INESVezava: Mehka25,38 €
Mine!(2022) HELLER, MICHAEL,SALZMAN, JAMESA Freakonomics-style investigation into the mysteries of ownership, filled with counterintuitive insights and fascinating case studies.Vezava: Mehka13,88 €
Land Registration Manual(2018) REES, DAVIDWritten by an author who has extensive experience in private practice, the Land Registry, and the academic sector, Land Registration Manual is an authoritative source of technical and practical advice on all matters relating to registered land and interesVezava: Mehka87,56 €