155 rezultatov
Yearbook of the International Law Commission 2014(2022) UNITED NATIONS: INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSIONPresents the official records of the Commission and is an indispensable tool for the preservation of the legislative history of the documents emanating from the Commission, as well as for the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of the efVezava: Mehka141,75 €
Charter of the United Nations and statute of the International Court of Justice (Arabic language)(2015) UNITED NATIONS: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INFORMATIONThe Charter of the United Nations was signed in 1945 by 51 countries representing all continents, paving the way for the creation of the United Nations on 24 October 1945. The Statute of the International Court of Justice forms part of the Charter. The ChVezava: Mehka12,30 €
European Union's Shaping of the International Legal Order(2013)This book establishes a new approach to EU law of external relations in which the EU is perceived as an active co-creator of the international legal order on a variety of planes. It is a key reference point for an active paradigm of EU external relationsVezava: Trda173,25 €
Chasing the Flame(2009) POWER, SAMANTHASergio Vieira de Mello - a humanitarian, peacemaker and state builder - was at centre of the most significant geopolitical crises. This title tells the story of the man who never stopped learning and of a perilous world whose ills are too big to ignore buVezava: Mehka23,61 €
Representative Government in Modern Europe(2011) GALLAGHER, MICHAEL,LAVER, MICHAEL,MAIR, PETER,MAIR, PETERFocuses on comparative European politics. This title reflects key events and changes including the impact of the world financial and economic crisis; the EU's adoption of the Lisbon Treaty; and, the election of a centre-right governments in Germany and thVezava: Mehka101,76 €
NATO's Secret Armies(2004) GANSER, DANIELEThis book tells the story of NATO's secret anti-communist stay-behind armies that had been set up by the CIA and MI6 after World War Two in all countries of Western Europe and in some countries became tragically linked to right-wing terrorismVezava: Mehka76,31 €
White Man's Burden(2007) EASTERLY, WILLIAM (PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY)William Easterly, acclaimed author and former economist at the World Bank, addresses the problems of extreme poverty and the West's failed attempts to help the poor. While recognising the energy and compassion behind the campaign to make poverty history hVezava: Mehka20,83 €
Concentrate Questions and Answers EU Law(2020) FOSTER, NIGEL (LLM DEGREE ACADEMIC DIRECTOR AT ROBERT KENNEDY COLLEGE, ZURICH, AND PROFESSOR OF EU LAW MODULES, SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN LAW SCHOOLS' NETWORK (SEELS); VISITING PROFESSOR AT UNIVERSITY OF SAARLAND AND THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTHERN BORNEO)Concentrate Q&A EU Law is part of the Concentrate Q&A series, the result of a collaboration involving hundreds of law students and lecturers from universities across the UK. Each book in this series offers you better support and a greater chance to succeeVezava: Mehka25,71 €
Unleashing Demons(2017) OLIVER, CRAIGDavid Cameron's Director of Politics and Communications, Craig Oliver takes us behind the scenes of the EU referendum.Vezava: Mehka15,27 €
World mortality report 2019(2021) UNITED NATIONS: DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AFFAIRSProvides an overview of the estimated and projected trends in mortality at the world level, for development groups and major areas; the analysis also focuses on country and regional data for selected mortality indicators.Vezava: Mehka22,69 €
Accord europeen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par voies de navigation interieures (ADN) 2021 - En vigueur le 1er janvier 2021(2020) UNITED NATIONSContains provisions concerning dangerous substances and articles, their carriage in packages and in bulk on board inland navigation vessels or tank vessels, as well as provisions concerning the construction and operation of such vessels. This version hasVezava: Mehka166,56 €