49 rezultatov
In the Beginning(2024) RAVNDAL, ELLEN J. (AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY)This book reviews the formative years of the United Nations (UN) under its first Secretary-General Trygve Lie.Vezava: Mehka43,40 €
In the Beginning(2023) RAVNDAL, ELLEN J. (AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY)This book reviews the formative years of the United Nations (UN) under its first Secretary-General Trygve Lie.Vezava: Trda110,25 €
Aust's Modern Treaty Law and Practice(2023) HILL, JEREMY (FORMERLY LEGAL COUNSELLOR, FOREIGN, COMMONWEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE, LONDON)This new edition provides a comprehensive account of the law of treaties from the viewpoint of two experienced practitioners. It provides a wealth of examples of issues encountered when dealing with treaties and is essential reading for officials, practitVezava: Mehka73,49 €
Chasing the Flame(2009) POWER, SAMANTHASergio Vieira de Mello - a humanitarian, peacemaker and state builder - was at centre of the most significant geopolitical crises. This title tells the story of the man who never stopped learning and of a perilous world whose ills are too big to ignore buVezava: Mehka23,61 €
World mortality report 2019(2021) UNITED NATIONS: DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AFFAIRSProvides an overview of the estimated and projected trends in mortality at the world level, for development groups and major areas; the analysis also focuses on country and regional data for selected mortality indicators.Vezava: Mehka22,69 €
Accord europeen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par voies de navigation interieures (ADN) 2021 - En vigueur le 1er janvier 2021(2020) UNITED NATIONSContains provisions concerning dangerous substances and articles, their carriage in packages and in bulk on board inland navigation vessels or tank vessels, as well as provisions concerning the construction and operation of such vessels. This version hasVezava: Mehka166,56 €
Yearbook of the International Law Commission 2014(2021) UNITED NATIONS: INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSIONContains the official records of the International Law Commission and is an indispensable tool for the preservation of the legislative history of the documents emanating from the Commission, as well as for the teaching, study, dissemination and wider apprVezava: Mehka77,08 €
World economic and social survey 2018(2018) UNITED NATIONS: DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AFFAIRSReviews the advances in frontier technologies - including automation, robotics, renewable energy technologies, electric vehicles, biotechnologies and artificial intelligence - and analyses their economic, social and environmental impact.Vezava: Mehka104,95 €
European Union After Brexit(2020)This volume addresses the transformation of the EU during and after the process of Brexit. Covering topics such as trade, the internal market, freedom of movement, security, and social Europe, this book suggests that Brexit reorders the priorities, internVezava: Trda75,30 €
European Union and the United Nations in Global Governance(2022) HOSLI, MADELEINE O. (LEIDEN UNIVERSITY, THE NETHERLANDS)Written by a leading expert in the field, this book analyses the complex relations between the European Union (EU) as a regional organization and the United Nations (UN) as an international, global governance institution.Vezava: Trda126,00 €
Insignia del Cambio Climatico(2020) FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONSLa Insignia del Cambio Climático está diseñada para ayudar a educar a niños y jóvenes sobre el papel vital que juega el clima en el apoyo a la vida en la Tierra.Vezava: Mehka16,49 €