6 rezultatov
Pesticides in the Natural Environment - Sources, Health Risks, and Remediation(2022) SINGH ET ALVezava: Mehka169,51 €
Climate Change Mitigation(2021)This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. Climate change is a significant threat to humanity's future. This means that a transition to a lower-carbon economy is unavoidable. Biochemical research is necessary for this transition, and will be anVezava: Mehka73,53 €
Key Questions in Environmental Toxicology(2022) D'MELLO, J P F (FORMERLY SCOTTISH AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, UK)Questions review the origin, characterization and environmental distribution of major pollutants, followed by their absorption and metabolic disposition in living organisms, and their implications for human morbidity, ecological impact and biodiversity. AVezava: Mehka41,80 €
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Tropane Alkaloids(2021) FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATIONFollowing many cases of suspected food poisoning in the Karamoja region of the Republic of Uganda, the meeting provided risk assessments for hyoscyamine and scopolamine, including toxicological and exposure assessment.Vezava: Mehka21,71 €