95 rezultatov
Ponižno vodenje: moč odnosov, odprtosti in zaupanja(2020) EDGAR H. SCHEIN , PETER A. SCHEINVezava: Mehka22,50 €
V čevljih staršev: priročnik za dobre rešitve v družinskih podjetjih(2020) MILAN KRAJNCVezava: Mehka25,00 €
Učinkoviti vodja: o pravočasnem opravljanju pravih stvari(2021) PETER FERDINAND DRUCKERVezava: Trda29,90 €
State-Owned Enterprises as Institutional Actors in Contemporary Capitalism and Beyond(2025) BUTZBACH, OLIVIER (UNIVERSITY OF CAMPANIA 'LUIGI VANVITELLI' (ITALY)),FULLER, DOUGLAS B. (COPENHAGEN BUSINESS SCHOOL),SCHNYDER, GERHARD (LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY),SVYSTUNOVA, LUDA (LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY)This Element challenges the common understanding of State-Owned Enterprises as state instruments, arguing that they are economic actors. SOE top management teams have agency, influenced by many factors. It presents a multilevel model to understand embeddeVezava: Mehka31,24 €
Incorporating Purpose(2025) SEGRESTIN, BLANCHE (MINES PARIS - PSL UNIVERSITY),LEVILLAIN, KEVIN (MINES PARIS - PSL UNIVERSITY),HATCHUEL, ARMAND (MINES PARIS - PSL UNIVERSITY)In this Element, we analyze emerging legal forms of purpose-driven corporations, revealing two insights. First, within the traditional corporate law, a purpose is neither protected nor credible over time. Second, these frameworks highlight the need for neVezava: Mehka31,24 €
Corporate Governance(2025) TRICKER, PROF BOB (FORMER PROFESSOR OF FINANCE, FORMER PROFESSOR OF FINANCE, HONG KONG UNIVERSITY)Written by the 'father of corporate governance', this book provides an authoritative analysis of the laws, reports, and regulations governing corporate organizations around the world.Vezava: Mehka84,79 €
20 Essential Questions Directors of Not-For-Profit Organizations Should Ask about Strategy(2009) BART, DRVezava: Mehka11,37 €