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Poglej vseISBN
9781405321730Mladinska knjiga ID
308708Leto izida
2007Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
Time's running out for you to infiltrate the world of maverick counter terrorist Federal Agent Jack Bauer in this guide to all five seasons of 24, the ultimate edge-of-your seat show. Get under the cover now and discover all there is to know about Jack. From his family to the demons that lurk beneath his seemingly calm exterior. Explore the CTU headquarters and come face to face with your favourite cast: from Nina Myers, Tony Almeda to Michelle Dessler and Chloe O'Brian.
Then get your hands on some of the gadgets that help in the fight against terrorism. Take a walk in the minds of the craziest criminals the team have brought down like Victor Drazen and the Salizars. Then pick up all the intelligence behind each action-packed day. Mind-blowing pictures and stills from the programme will make you feel like you're there.
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