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9781590306574Mladinska knjiga ID
388701Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
Discovering the Wisdom We Were Born withThe capacity to awaken is inherent in all of us, and each and every one of us can do it. This book encourages us to assess our spiritual progress with honesty and without judgment in order to see where our sticking points are and to get past them. It offers a supportive approach to meditation practice.The capacity to awaken is inherent in all of us, and each and every one of us can do it. That's the heart of Gaylon Ferguson's remarkably encouraging message in his long-awaited first book - and it's backed by more than thirty years of study and teaching, during which time he's inspired thousands of people on the spiritual path. The meditative mind is not something we need to attain, he says, it's our very nature, and our desire to follow the spiritual path is nothing other than a manifestation of that nature already being there, just below the surface. He encourages us to assess our 'spiritual progress' with honesty and without judgment in order to see where our sticking points are and to get past them, and he provides exercises and much practical advice. His friendly and supportive approach to meditation practice is perfect for new meditators, and it will also provide renewed inspiration for anyone who's been practicing for years.
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