Nine Crazy Ideas in Science: a Few Might Even Be True
Nine Crazy Ideas in Science: a Few Might Even Be True
Nine Crazy Ideas in Science: a Few Might Even Be True
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Poglej vseISBN
9780691094953Mladinska knjiga ID
364036Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
In Nine Crazy Ideas in Science, physicist Robert Ehrlich explores such "crackpot" questions as "do more guns mean less crime"? "Is AIDS caused by something other than HIV?" "Does our solar system have two suns?". But Ehrlich's crusade isn't to overturn established scientific thinking. His mission is to teach and promote the scientific method: techniques used to examine new ideas to see if they explain our world better than current theories.Ehrlich's oddball and hot-button topics keep the discussion exciting and fun. But he also points out:
Many ideas in science seemed crazy at one time but are now reported as being settled... as in the case of plate tectonics, which grew out of an earlier "crazy" theory of continental drift.Some of the crazy ideas relate to our lives: AIDS, gun control, sun and radiation exposure. Others are further out there, such as the double-sun theory and the possibility of time travel. For each, Ehrlich scrutinises who the ideas' proponents are and what their agendas might be. Among other things, he looks for internal consistency, misapplication of statistics, how open the ideas' proponents are with their data and methods.
His conclusions are sometimes surprising, even to Ehrlich, who admits that his feelings about gun control changed after completing his research. Another startling finding comes in the chapter that digs into the theory that oil, coal, and gas have abiogenic origins--that they are not created from decayed vegetable matter but were part of the Earth's original composition. A fringe, unorthodox notion, certainly. Still, substantial evidence supports the theory, and Ehrlich finds that a chemical origin for hydrocarbons better explains the observed facts.
Nine Crazy Ideas in Science makes several eccentric scientific theories accessible to general readers and more importantly it teaches methods of evaluating new ideas so we can decide for ourselves whether or not they make sense.
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