Performance, Ethics and Spectatorship in a Global Age
Performance, Ethics and Spectatorship in a Global Age
Podrobnosti o izdelku
Poglej vseISBN
9780230518018Mladinska knjiga ID
395953Leto izida
2009Datum izida
28.03.2009Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuZaložnik
This book takes performance studies in exciting new directions, exploring the ways in which ethics can be used to understand the complex questions facing contemporary spectators. Engaging with five key performances, the book reflects on the emotional and intellectual impacts of politically inflected performance on spectators, critics and theorists.Performance, Ethics and Spectatorship in a Global Age is an innovative book that makes a significant contribution to performance studies scholarship. It undertakes a detailed investigation into the relationship between ethics and spectatorship in and in response to contemporary performance. Considering spectators both within and beyond the theatre, the text explores the ways in which they are stimulated or provoked by performance to address ethical questions about their roles as spectators and as citizens in a fraught media-saturated landscape. Through a detailed engagement with five internationally-acclaimed performances, this book talks about both the emotional and intellectual responses generated by politically-inflected work. It explores the feelings of awe, shock, delight and unsettlement that good performance engenders, and it traces the process spectators go through in making sense of those emotions through extended ethical reflection.Contents List of Illustrations Series Editors' Preface Acknowledgements Introduction Situating the Spectator Genesi: The Spectator and 'Useless Suffering' 'The Career Highlights of the MAMU': Alterity and Ahame Sandakan Threnody: Testimony and the Dangers of Polyphony The Limits of Testimony: Ariane Mnouchkine and Theatre du Soleil's Le Dernier Caravanserail (Odyssees) Otherness and Responsibility in Three Tales by Steve Reich and Beryl Korot and Nature's Little Helpers by Patricia Piccinini Afterword Notes Bibliography Index
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