Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 18th Ed.
Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 18th Ed.
Podrobnosti o izdelku
Poglej vseISBN
9781416036753Mladinska knjiga ID
293593Leto izida
2007Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
This distinguished reference carries on a 70-year legacy as the world's most thorough, useful, readable, and understandable text on the principles and techniques of surgery. Its peerless contributors deliver all the well-rounded, state-of-the-art knowledge you need to richly grasp the pathophysiology and optimal management of every surgical condition—so you can make the best clinical decisions, avoid complications, manage unusual situations, and achieve the best possible outcomes. It is an absolute requisite for the American Board of Surgery exam, and an indispensable source of guidance on overcoming the challenges that arise in everyday practice.As an Expert Consult title, this thoroughly updated 18th edition comes with access to the complete contents online, fully searchable—enabling you to consult it rapidly from any computer with an Internet connection.
Key Features
- Provides a more distinguished team of contributors and a better blend of clinical and basic-science information than any other source, providing you with the best possible understanding of the clinical issues surrounding every operative situation.
- Features a more user-friendly format, a larger and more helpful array of full-color illustrations, and a more versatile and well-constructed web site than other resources—making the answers that you need easier to locate and understand quickly.
- Offers an organization and content that parallels the written board American Board of Surgery exam, providing excellent preparation for certification and recertification.
New to this Edition
- Includes access to the complete contents online, fully searchable, enabling you to consult it rapidly from any computer with an Internet connection.
- Incorporates an enhanced emphasis on surgical outcomes to mirror the growing importance of this topic.
- Delivers comprehensive updates to keep you current with the latest research, techniques, and emerging procedures in the field, as well as completely new chapters on "Surgical Patient Safety" and "Regenerative Medicine."
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