NYP- 10/09
Podrobnosti o izdelku
Poglej vseISBN
9780300158267Mladinska knjiga ID
402959Leto izida
2011Datum izida
01.11.2011Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
History, Myth and the Destruction of YugoslaviaCovers the Kosovo War, and the overthrow of Milosevic, with close-up accounts of his trial at the Hague, and subsequent death. This book looks at the assassination of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindic in 2003, and its consequences."The Serbs" was published in hardcover in 1997, and paperbacked in 1998. It was reissued as a NB paperback in 2000, and reprinted regularly since then. There is a lot to catch-up on in this second edition. It covers the Kosovo War, and the overthrow of Milosevic, with close-up accounts of his trial at the Hague, and subsequent death. It looks at the assassination of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindic in 2003, and its consequences. It deals with Montenegro's plebiscite in favour of independence in May 2006, and subsequent dissolution of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro, and re-emergence of Serbia as an independent state, under its own name, later that year. It also covers the unilateral proclamation of independence by Kosovo in February 2008, its recognition by most western countries and its opposition by Russia, China and Spain. And it provides an inside account of the identification and arrest of Radovan Karadzic in July 2008 and indictment on charges of genocide at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, which is ongoing. Ratko Mladic, the 'butcher of Serbia' of course remains in hiding.
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