2699 rezultatov
Tickbox(2021) BOYLE, DAVIDIt is time we escaped the tentacles of Tickbox. Boyle suggests a series of ways out - starting with recognising the danger and calling it out for what it is - a massive failure, corroding our lives and our ability, as human beings, to act on the world.Vezava: Mehka15,27 €
Economics of Open Source Software Development(2006)Open Source Software (OSS) development presents a contrast to traditional production and innovation methods and an unlikely contestant in the marketplace. The emergence of open source software has fundamentally changed the software business. This book serVezava: Trda160,64 €
Dear Undercover Economist(2010) HARFORD, TIM* The very best letters from Tim Harford's celebrated Financial Times 'Dear Econonmist' column, collected herewith NEW letters for the paperback editionVezava: Mehka15,27 €
Principles of Economics(2012) MCDOWELL, MOORE,THOM, RODNEY,PASTINE, IVAN,FRANK, ROBERT,BERNANKE, BENFocuses on seven core principles of economics, which help students to make the link between economic theory and practice. This book includes exercises, problems and examples, that help students to employ economics principles to understand and explain theVezava: Mehka110,24 €
Managerial Economics, Global Edition(2013) KEAT, PAUL,YOUNG, PHILIP,ERFLE, STEVEVezava: Mehka140,44 €
Economics(2006) ISON, STEPHEN,WALL, STUARTProvides an introduction to the core principles of economics. This book offers explanations making it easy for non-specialist students taking economics for the first time, as part of a degree or professional qualification, to get to grips with the main coVezava: Mehka143,86 €
Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics(2005) WAINWRIGHT, KEVIN,CHIANG, ALPHAVezava: Trda110,24 €
Diagnosing Human Capital as a Binding Constraint to Growth(2021) SANTOS, MIGUEL ANGEL,HANI, FARAHIn this Element, we propose a framework, building on the principles of 'growth diagnostics', to enable practitioners to determine whether human capital investments are a priority for a country's growth strategy.Vezava: Mehka31,24 €
Return of The Economic Naturalist(2009) FRANK, ROBERT HThe Economic Naturalist is back with a whole batch of intriguing new questions and answers, drawn from his New York Times columns, that reveal how we really behave when confronted with economic choices.Vezava: Mehka22,22 €
IBSS: Economics: 1986 Volume 35(1990) INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR SOCIAL SCIENCE INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATIONPresented in bilingual form (English/French), these bibliographies list the most important publications in the field of economics in 1986. Arranged in a decimal system of classification and including author and subject indexes.Vezava: Trda981,91 €
Economics of an Innovation System(2020) HARADA, TSUTOMUThis is the first book that analyzes both the inside and outside of the black box using a general equilibrium framework and this unified treatment of the national innovation system with the use of rigorous economic models and empirical analyses makes thisVezava: Mehka43,88 €
History of Economics(1991) GALBRAITH, JOHN KENNETHA book explaining the history of economics; including the powerful and vested interests which moulded the theories to their financial advantage; as a means of understanding modern economics.Vezava: Mehka20,83 €