2691 rezultatov
Velika preobrazba: politični in ekonomski viri našega časa(2009) KARL POLANYIVezava: Broširana25,00 €
Superfreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes and Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance(2015) STEPHEN DUBNER , STEVEN LEVITTVezava: Mehka15,27 €
Tax Havens(2009) PALAN, RONEN,MURPHY, RICHARD,CHAVAGNEUX, CHRISTIANThis book provide an up-to-date evaluation of the role and function of tax havens in the global financial system—their history, inner workings, impact, extent, and enforcement. They make clear that tax havens have a major impact on the global economy.Vezava: Mehka48,22 €
Start Something That Matters(2012) MYCOSKIE, BLAKEBlake called his creation TOMS Shoes (which stands for "Tomorrow's Shoes") and promised to give a pair of new shoes to a child in need for every pair that he sold.Vezava: Mehka20,83 €
Making Hard Decisions with DecisionTools(2013) CLEMEN, ROBERT (FUQUA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DUKE UNIVERSITY),REILLY, TERENCE (BABSON COLLEGE)Teaches the fundamental ideas of decision analysis, without an overly technical explanation of the mathematics used in decision analysis. This title incorporates and implements the powerful DecisionTools[registered] software by Palisade Corporation, the wVezava: Trda140,55 €
The Tragedy of the European Union: Disintegration or Revival?(2014) GEORGE SOROSVezava: Mehka26,17 €
Money and Sustainability(2012) LIETAER, BERNARD,ARNSPERGER, CHRISTIAN,GOERNER, SALLYOur money system is the 'Missing Link'. We assume that we must have a single, monopolistic currency, funded through bank debt, enforced by a central bank. In fact,the present system is outdated, brittle and unfit for purpose (witness the eurozone crisis).Vezava: Mehka37,32 €
Cities of the Maya in Seven Epochs, 1250 B.C. to A.D. 1903(2010) STEVE GLASSMANVezava: Mehka46,68 €
How Much is Enough?(2013) SKIDELSKY, EDWARD,SKIDELSKY, ROBERTArgues that wealth is not - or should not be - an end in itself, but a means to 'the good life'. Tracing the concept from Aristotle to the present, this book shows how far modern life has strayed from that ideal. It rejects the idea that there is any singVezava: Mehka15,27 €