509 rezultatov
Dobri v sebi: kako lahko postanete taki starši, kot si želite(2023) BECKY KENNEDYDobri v sebi: kako lahko postanete taki starši, kot si želiteVezava: Mehka27,00 €
Formativno spremljanje znanja v praksi: priročnik za učitelje(2021) MATEJA PERŠOLJAVezava: Mehka23,00 €
Kaj nas uči narava? - Zgodbe z dejavnostmi za oblikovanje značaja učencev(2018) BARBARA A. LEWISzbirka Učiteljeva orodjaVezava: Broširana17,65 €
Dediščina v akciji: poti in načini vključevanja dediščinskih praks v vzgojno-izobraževalne vsebine(2022) JASNA FAKIN BAJEC , MARTIN POGAČAR , MATEVŽ ŠTRAUS , MELITA LEMUT BAJECVezava: Mehka9,00 €
Creative Schools: Revolutionizing Education from the Ground Up(2016) LOU ARONICAVezava: Mehka15,27 €
Restoring Education(2025) BOMBER, LOUISERestoringEducation is the radical challenge from Louise Michelle Bombèr, founder of theUK’s leading specialist trauma service in schools, TouchBase, in her timely newbook.. Fundamentally, let’s honour the need for all our pupils to beeducated in school toVezava: Mehka49,60 €
School System Comparison between the United States of America and Finland(2021) FIELDING, ANNAVezava: Mehka11,90 €
Who Am I as a Teacher?(2025) KACK, ANNIKA (STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY)This Element redefines transformative learning as a change in the learner's identity, which includes cognitive, emotional, and social dimensions. This Element concerns migrant teachers' transformation, how they redefine their professional identity, and hoVezava: Mehka31,24 €
Who Decides Who Becomes a Teacher?(2018)This volume extends the discussions and critiques of neoliberalism in education by examining the potential for schools of education themselves to contest the types of policies that are typical in K-12 schooling.Vezava: Mehka74,63 €
School Climate(2017) DEWITT, PETER M.Centered on staff efficacy, this resource presents leaders with a variety of tools to improve school climate, community stakeholder engagement, and ultimately, student growth.Vezava: Mehka58,05 €