African Inspirations in Embroidery
African Inspirations in Embroidery
A leading embroiderer with a lifelong love and understanding of African culture and landscape translates the many striking images of Africa into textile art, using embroidery, dyeing and quilting.
African Inspirations in Embroidery
A leading embroiderer with a lifelong love and understanding of African culture and landscape translates the many striking images of Africa into textile art, using embroidery, dyeing and quilting.
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Poglej vseISBN
9781906388324Mladinska knjiga ID
9781906388324Leto izida
2009Datum izida
18.05.2009Število strani
128Status dobavljivosti
7-10 delovnih dniZaložnik
Batsford LtdAvtor
Sleigh, MaryDimenzije
276 x 216 x 10BIC
Translates many images of Africa into textile art, using embroidery, dyeing and quilting. This book covers the design process and various techniques necessary to produce final pieces, including dyeing with flour paste resist, seminole patchwork, piecing, patching, stitching, applique, roulleaux, drawn thread surface embellishment and mixed media.A leading embroiderer with a lifelong love and understanding of African culture and landscape translates the many striking images of Africa into textile art, using embroidery, dyeing and quilting. From the dusky colours of the savannah to the traditional beadwork and pottery of African tribes, the author has used a variety of sources and techniques to produce stunning textiles. The book covers the original source material, the design process and the various techniques necessary to produce stunning final pieces, including dyeing with flour paste resist, seminole patchwork, piecing, patching, stitching, applique, roulleaux, drawn thread surface embellishment and mixed media.Beautifully illustrated with over 90 colour images, the book covers: the design process; colour, from natural earth colours to the bright colours of African jewellery and body paint; pattern, from stripes and zigzags to circles and triangles; texture and surface, including ridges, raised surface, edges and surface additions; case studies of work by leading textile artists; and, an exercise project to get you started.; New in paperback, this title shows how to translate inspirational African motifs into stunning textiles. It guides you through every aspect of the design process from page to textile. It provides expert advice on all arts and skills makes even advanced techniques easy and illustrations and case studies by leading artists both instruct and inspire.
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Vezava: Mehka
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