Ap French Language Exam with Cdrom
Ap French Language Exam with Cdrom
Podrobnosti o izdelku
Poglej vseISBN
9780738604268Mladinska knjiga ID
356261Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
REA … Real review, Real practice, Real results.
Get the college credits you deserve.
AP FRENCH LANGUAGE with audio CDs --2nd Edition!Includes the latest exam changes, both verbal and written.
Completely aligned with today’s AP exam
Are you prepared to excel on the AP exam?
* Set up a study schedule by following our results-driven timeline
* Take the first practice test to discover what you know and what you
should know
* Use REA's advice to ready yourself for proper study and success
Practice for real
* Three audio CDs provide excellent preparation for the exam's listening comprehension section
* Create the closest experience to test-day conditions with 3 full-length practice tests
* Includes pre-exam exercises that target the key testing areas of listening, reading, writing, and speaking
* Chart your progress with full and detailed explanations of all answers
* Boost your confidence with test-taking strategies and experienced advice
Sharpen your knowledge and skills
* The book's full subject review features coverage of all AP French Language areas, such as an explanation of the French alphabet, grammar, conjugations, the use of tense and mood in French verbs, and more.
* Smart and friendly lessons reinforce necessary skills
* Key tutorials enhance specific abilities needed on the test
* Targeted drills increase comprehension and help organize study
Ideal for Classroom, Family, or Solo Test Preparation!
REA has provided advanced preparation for generations of advanced students who have excelled on important tests and in life. REA’s AP study guides are teacher-recommended and written by experts who have mastered the course and the test.
Pogosto kupljeno skupaj
Ostali so si ogledali tudi ...
Vezava: Trda
Na zalogi v 44 poslovalnicah takoj ali preko spletnega naročila
Vezava: Integralna
Na zalogi v 47 poslovalnicah takoj ali preko spletnega naročila
Vezava: Trda
Na zalogi v 47 poslovalnicah takoj ali preko spletnega naročila
Vezava: Mehka
Na zalogi v 16 poslovalnicah takoj ali preko spletnega naročila
Vezava: Trda
Na zalogi v 42 poslovalnicah takoj ali preko spletnega naročila
Vezava: Mehka
Na zalogi v 20 poslovalnicah takoj ali preko spletnega naročila
Vezava: Mehka
Na zalogi v 43 poslovalnicah takoj ali preko spletnega naročila
Več kot pol milijona knjig
Največja ponudba slovenskih in tujih knjig na enem mestu.
Enostaven nakup
Do izbranega le z nekaj kliki na spletu ali v eni od več kot 50 knjigarn.
Strokoven nasvet
Pred nakupom nas pokličite za nasvet ali se oglasite v knjigarni.
Vse za šolo
Nagrajena izobraževalna gradiva in kakovostne potrebščine.
Celovita ponudba za dom in pisarno
Vrhunski izdelki priznanih blagovnih znamk.
Brezplačna dostava
Brezplačna dostava za vsa naročila nad 59 € (za šolske pakete nad 140 €)
×Osveženo 26.03.2023 10:09
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