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Poglej vseISBN
9781932594447Mladinska knjiga ID
395036Leto izida
2009Datum izida
30.03.2009Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
Emerging Ideas in Brain ScienceCollects the developments in brain science. This title features articles that offer analyses and perspectives on such topics as the causes and effects of identity disorder, the dangers of unidentified traumatic brain injury, and explanations for why the mind is sometimes foggy after heart surgery, as well as explore the brain and politics.New advances in brain science will directly affect our lives, from the courtroom to the classroom to the living room. "Cerebrum" has long been the leading magazine for distilling these developments into concise, intelligent prose accessible to a general reader; as a result, its articles by scientists and scholars are often cited in prominent publications such as the "Wall Street Journal", "Boston Globe", and the "Washington Post". Assembled here is a new array of articles from "Cerebrum"'s Web edition that collects the most cutting-edge developments in brain science in one essential volume. The featured articles offer thought-provoking analyses and expert perspectives on such topics as the causes and effects of identity disorder, the dangers of unidentified traumatic brain injury, and explanations for why the mind is sometimes foggy after heart surgery. Other timely articles explore the brain and politics, conflicts of interest in science, the use of technology to map brain connections, and the pros and cons of screening for childhood disorders.; Top scientists and scholars - including neuroscientist Guy McKhann, computational neuroscientist Sebastian Seung, developmental psychologist Jerome Kagan, and neurologist Stephen L. Hauser - clearly and concisely explain these and many other exciting and pertinent developments. In addition, the foreword by Thomas R. Insel, director of the National Institute of Mental Health, offers a fascinating way of conceptualizing psychological disorders as disorders of the brain. An absorbing and readable compendium, "Cerebrum 2009" provides vital insight into the cognitive human condition and shows how advances in medicine and neuroscience can help us lead longer, healthier lives.
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Vezava: Mehka
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