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Poglej vseISBN
9781900322508Mladinska knjiga ID
396987Leto izida
2009Datum izida
23.04.2009Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
Mapping the Cultural Implications of Peak Oil and Climate ChangePresents an integrated approach to understanding the potential interaction between climate change and peak oil using a scenario planning model. This title also introduces permaculture as a design system specifically evolved over the years to creatively respond to futures that involve progressively less and less available energy.The simultaneous onset of climate change and the peaking of global oil supply represent unprecedented challenges for human civilisation. Global oil peak has the potential to shake if not destroy the foundations of the global industrial economy and culture. Climate change has the potential to rearrange the biosphere more radically than the last ice age. Each limits the effective options for responses to the other. The strategies for mitigating the adverse effects and/or adapting to the consequences of climate change have mostly been considered and discussed in isolation from those relevant to peak oil.While awareness of peak oil, or at least the energy crisis, is increasing, understanding of how these two problems might interact to generate quite different futures is still at an early state. "Future Scenarios" presents an integrated approach to understanding the potential interaction between climate change and peak oil using a scenario planning model. In the process it introduces permaculture as a design system specifically evolved over the last 30 years to creatively respond to futures that involve progressively less and less available energy.Acknowledgements. Introduction - Energy and history: Energetic and ecological foundations of human history; The next energy transition. Energy futures: Four energy futures; Views of the future. Climate change and peak oil: Climate change; Energy reserves and production peaks; Collapsing oil exports; Net energy return; Associated issues. Descent scenarios: Scenario planning; Interaction of peak oil and climate change; The four energy-descent and climate-change scenarios; Scenarios summary. Interpreting the scenarios: Global and local perspectives; Cuba: brown tech, green tech or Earth steward?; Depressing and positive scenarios; Different scenarios in different places; Stepped energy-descent pathways linking the scenarios; Nested scenarios; Relevance of mainstream ideas of sustainability to energy descent; Relevance of environmental principles; Meta-scenarios of permaculture. Conclusion. Notes.
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