Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture
Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture
Podrobnosti o izdelku
Poglej vseISBN
9780349108391Mladinska knjiga ID
193219Leto izida
1996Datum izida
07.11.1996Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
Andy, Dag and Claire have been handed a society beyond their means. Twentysomethings, brought up with divorce, Watergate and Three Mile Island, and scarred by the 80s fallout of yuppies, recession, crack and Ronald Reagan, they represent the new generation- Generation X. Fiercely suspicious of being lumped together as an advertiser's target market, they have quit dreary careers and cut themselves adrift in the California desert. Unsure of their futures, they immerse themselves in a regime of heavy drinking and working in no future Mc Jobs in the service industry. Underemployed, overeducated and intensely private and unpredicatable, they have nowhere to direct their anger, no one to assuage their fears, and no culture to replace their anomie. So they tell stories: disturbingly funny tales that reveal their barricaded inner world. A world populated with dead TV shows, 'Elvis moments' and semi-disposible Swedish furniture.
Publisher and industry reviews
Jacket review
'A new age J.D Sallinger on smart drugs.' TIME OUT 'Dizzying sparkle and originality.' THE TIMES, 'Quirky, witty, with an affection for its characters which lifts it above the level of such as Bret Easton Ellis's 'Less than Zero.' MAIL ON SUNDAY 'A Landmark book.' DAILY TELEGRAPH 'Fiercely comic.' SUNDAY EXPRESS 'A weird, highly intelligent trashing of the whole yuppy culture.' GAY TIMES
UK Kirkus review
Hamstrung by its reputation as the anthem of a generation, this is a clever, witty depiction of the alienation felt by the over-educated and under-employed, those forced into 'McJobs'. Andy, Dag and Claire have opted out of the lifestyle their schooling has prepared them for and into a life in the California desert, preserving themselves by barriers of irony and heavy drinking. The only time they let their guard down is via the stories they tell each other. Original, touching and funny. (Kirkus UK)
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