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Poglej vseISBN
9789617184044Mladinska knjiga ID
886966Leto izida
2022Datum izida
26.10.2022Velikost (šxdxv)
220 × 140 × 44Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
Prevod romana Gretin greh.
»The story is a veritable whirlwind of emotions that come full circle – from horror and despair to joy and back again. Readers can immerse themselves in the extremely detailed and vividly reconstructed world of the 17th century. The author’s remarkable ability to interweave historical facts with everyday concerns of ordinary people takes you on a journey into Greta’s reality, where one can see, hear and even smell what she saw, heard and felt as she struggled to survive in a time of enormous change, when ignorance still held dominion over knowledge.« - Urška Trebušak
»A woman’s heart is like an endless pit. It can be filled with infinite sorrow, despair and suffering. It never fills up, for there is always room for more.« She stroked my hair and said:
»Yet a strong woman does not falter. She is a branch that cannot be bent or broken. After every fall, no matter how terribly painful it is, she will always get back up and dust herself off.«
»Greta’s Sin is an extraordinary narrative that reflects the spirit of the 17th century and masterfully presents the position of women in those times. Despite living in an entirely different environment, many present-day women can identify with the main character. I undoubtedly saw myself in Greta’s desire to seek knowledge. Greta’s love story is described in a way that allows the reader to feel every aspect of her persona; her inner battles, femininity, emotions, dilemmas, her inability to strive off her chosen path, and her immense strength at the end of the novel, when the emotionally charged epilogue brought tears to my eyes.« Nataša Pirc Musar
Originally from Sevnica, Urška Klakočar Zupančič has lived with her family in Ljubljana for many years. In her youth, the author also stayed for a short time in the mystical town of Glastonbury in southwest England.
She has a master’s degree in legal sciences and is currently finishing a PhD in legal history. From 2009, she worked as a judge at the District Court in Ljubljana, until assuming the role of Speaker of the Na - tional Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia in 2022. History has been the author’s strong interest since childhood, and it was also then that she discovered her passion for writing. In recent years, she has published numerous articles in her field of expertise. Whenever she wants to escape the maddening world, she saddles her mare Gina and goes for a ride in the countryside. She is married to her university sweetheart with whom she has two sons, twins Filip and David, both named after important historical figures.
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Vezava: Trda
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Vezava: Mehka
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Vezava: Trda
Na zalogi v 42 poslovalnicah takoj ali preko spletnega naročila
Vezava: Mehka
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Vezava: Mehka
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