Improving Women’s Health Across the Lifespan
Improving Women’s Health Across the Lifespan
Podrobnosti o izdelku
Poglej vseISBN
9780367627638Mladinska knjiga ID
881680Leto izida
2021Datum izida
25.10.2022Velikost (šxdxv)
148 × 210 × 25Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
There is renewed interest in lifestyle medicine – the focus on food, physical activity, stress management, high-quality connections, restorative sleep, and avoidance of toxic substances – in the prevention, treatment, and sometimes reversal of chronic disease, but very little information exists on its application for improving specific women’s health issues across the lifespan. Consequently, there is a growing need among health professionals who care for women for a textbook that addresses evidence-based lifestyle solutions to manage the health challenges they face every day in their offices.This book begins with a review of the fundamentals of Lifestyle Medicine through the lens of a woman’s lifespan. It provides information about lifestyle interventions to improve gynecologic and sexual health and to manage and sometimes reverse gynecologic diseases. It clarifies the importance of lifestyle and behaviors before and during pregnancy to address infertility, reduce adverse pregnancy outcomes, and to lower non-communicable diseases in children along with emerging epigenetic evidence. The use of Lifestyle Medicine to prevent and manage breast and gynecologic cancers, enhance health as part of cancer survivorship, and decrease the risk or reduce many of the symptoms and diseases experienced during menopause including vasomotor symptoms and osteoporosis are also discussed. Additionally, the text covers cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, dementia and mental health from the perspective of gender specific differences.This book provides practical resources on implementing the components of lifestyle medicine. Some of the topics covered include models of care for women and families, reimbursement, health coaching and behavioral change, community engagement and health equity for under-resourced settings. The electronic version of the book presents supplemental material featuring in-depth reading, as well as online and digital resources for implementing Lifestyle Medicine.The book is an evidence-based source of information on women’s health issues for health professionals already practicing lifestyle medicine, as well as an entry level textbook for those new to the field of lifestyle medicine. The collective expertise of each of the editors along with content provided by leaders within the American College of Lifestyle Medicine fills a much-needed void within the specialty of Lifestyle Medicine and is for providers of women’s health globally.Pogosto kupljeno skupaj
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