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Poglej vseISBN
9789675395918Mladinska knjiga ID
540129Leto izida
2011Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
In this first title in the "Power of X" series of the "BaZi Destiny Code" books, Joey Yap introduces you to the cornerstone of Four Pillars destiny analysis: the 10 Gods. Character and Destiny are innately entwined when it comes to the study of BaZi and thus any understanding of a person's Destiny necessarily involves understanding the person's character. This introductory book on the 10 Gods will begin by showing you how to understand a person's character through the 10 Gods. Find out how the 10 Gods present in a BaZi chart influence and shape a person's Character, which is a composite of attitude, mindset, perceptions, actions and choices. See how differences between a person's External and Internal Character can affect their interactions with those around them and their capacity for success. "Enter the 10 Gods" will help you learn how to translate awareness of yourself into positive action, and empower yourself to achieve your goals through a deeper understanding of yourself and those around you. This book provides readers with both a technical foundation in which to understand the broad and ever-growing topic of the 10 Gods, as well as simple analysis techniques that will provide illuminating insight into a person's character in terms of career, relationship and wealth related matters. Highlights of this book include: Technical foundation required to derive the 10 Gods for each of the ten Day Masters; The essential characteristics and traits represented by each of the 10 Gods; Simple but effective methods in which to analyse and understand a person's Character through their BaZi; Introductory techniques for analysing a Wealth, Career and Relationships matters using the 10 Gods; A practical walk-through section to analysing your own BaZi chart using the 10 Gods and the techniques explained in this book; and, How to translate Bazi analysis into Bazi-centric action for success and achievement in all facets of life. This book was written with the novice and intermediate students of BaZi in mind, bringing the necessary understanding for anyone seeking to master BaZi beyond the beginner level.
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Vezava: Mehka
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Vezava: Mehka
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