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Poglej vseISBN
9780415462990Mladinska knjiga ID
399657Leto izida
2009Datum izida
30.06.2009Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
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Schema therapy combines cognitive behaviour therapy techniques with elements of interpersonal, experiential and psychodynamic therapies in order to help people with long term mental health problems including personality disorders and chronic depression. This book indicates the 30 distinctive features of schema therapy.Schema therapy combines proven cognitive behaviour therapy techniques with elements of interpersonal, experiential and psychodynamic therapies in order to help people with long term mental health problems including personality disorders and chronic depression. Schema therapy suggests that many negative cognitive conditions are based on past experiences, and therefore provides models for challenging and modifying negative thoughts and behaviours in order to provoke change. In this book, Jeffrey Young and Eshkol Rafaeli - pioneers of the schema therapy approach - indicate the 30 distinctive features of schema therapy, and how the method fits into the broader CBT Spectrum. Divided into two sections the distinctive theoretical features of schema therapy and the distinctive practical features of schema therapy, this book provides a concise introduction for those new to the technique, as well as a discussion of how it differs from the other cognitive behavioural therapies for those experienced in the field.Part I: Theory. Universal Core Emotional Needs. Early Maladaptive Schema Development as a Consequence of Unmet Needs. A taxonomy of EMS's (Schemas). Coping Styles: Surrender Responses. Coping Styles: Avoidance Responses. Coping Styles: Overcompensation Responses. Schema Modes as States (the state vs. trait distinction). The Wounded Core: Vulnerable Child Mode. Angry and Impulsive child Modes. The Maladaptive Coping Modes. Internalized Parental Modes. Healthy Modes: Contented Child, Healthy Adult. Limited Reparenting. Empathic Confrontation. The Ultimate Goal of Therapy: Getting One's Core Emotional Needs Met in an Adaptive Manner by Changing Maladaptive Schemas, Coping Responses, or Modes. Part II: Practice. The Assessment Process: Focused Life History Interview (Behavioral Pattern-identification) and Schema Inventories. The Assessment Process: Guided Imagery. The Assessment Process: The Therapy Relationship. Educating the Patient about the Schema and Mode Model, and Using the Schema Case Conceptualization Form. Toolbox 1: Behavioral Pattern Breaking. Toolbox 2: Cognitive Techniques. Toolbox 3: Emotion-focused Techniques. Toolbox 4: Schema Triggering in the Therapy Session. Mode Dialogues and Imagery. Specific Points for Working with BPD. Specific Points for Working with NPD. Specific Points for Working with Couples. Interplay between Schema Therapy for Axis II and CBT for Axis I. The Therapeutic Relationship: Limited Reparenting. Therapists' Own Schemas.
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