2677 rezultatov
Complexity and Leadership(2022)This book challenges the orthodox discourse on leadership – often expressed in heroic and individualistic terms – and presents leadership as a practice within which communication, research, imagination and ethical judgements are continuously improvised. IVezava: Mehka69,81 €
Alternatives to Capitalism(1989)The essays in this provocative collection survey and assess institutional arrangements that could be alternatives to capitalism as it exists today. This book is the first to cover such a wide range of subjects as central planning, market socialism, and prVezava: Mehka47,76 €
Getting Price Right(2021) SMITH, DR. GERALDCombining perceptive insights from behavioral economics with leading-edge ideas on price management, this book offers a new approach to pricing. Gerald Smith demonstrates why understanding, reframing, and refining everyday pricing processes—one’s pricingVezava: Trda54,67 €
The Sociology of Debt(2020)Key thinkers with a range of perspectives provide a sociological analysis of debt focused upon its social, political, economic, and cultural meanings. Contributors consider the lived experience of debt and financialisation taking place globally with accouVezava: Mehka43,40 €
Applied Financial Econometrics(2022) MAITI, MOINAKThis textbook gives students an approachable, down to earth resource for the study of financial econometrics. This book will be beneficial for both students and tutors who are associated with econometrics subjects at any level.Vezava: Mehka68,68 €
Identity is the New Money(2014) BIRCH, DAVIDThis book argues that personal identity is changing profoundly and that money is changing equally profoundly. Cash will be replaced by a proliferation of new digital currencies.Vezava: Mehka20,89 €
Key Thinkers on Development(2019)Fifty Key Thinkers on Development has established itself as the leading biographical handbook in its field, providing a concise and accessible introduction to the lives and key contributions of development thinkers from across the ideological and discipliVezava: Mehka44,78 €
Imagined Futures(2016) BECKERT, JENSConsumers, investors, and corporations orient their activities toward a future that contains opportunities and risks. How do these actors assess uncertainty? Jens Beckert adds a new chapter to the theory of capitalism by showing how fictional expectationsVezava: Trda58,40 €
Humanistic Tourism(2022)This edited book applies to tourism a humanistic management approach entailing a re-discovery of the value of human life and awareness of the ethical side of work. The book develops awareness of the contemporary relevance of the human dignity concept to mVezava: Mehka86,50 €
AQA A-level Economics Book 1(2015) POWELL, RAY,POWELL, JAMESBuild knowledge of Economics through active learning with the latest Powell textbook, featuring quantitative skills practice and brand new case studies.Vezava: Mehka78,55 €
AQA A-level Economics Book 2(2016) POWELL, RAY,POWELL, JAMESBuild knowledge of Economics through active learning with the latest Powell textbook, featuring quantitative skills practice and brand new case studies.Vezava: Mehka78,55 €
Pearson Baccalaureate: Economics new bundle (not pack)(2015) MALEY, SEAN,WELKER, JASONStudent textbook and eText written specifically for the 2011 Economics curriculum.119,49 €
Strategic Foresight(2015) LUSTIG, PATRICIAThis is a practical (field) guide to foresight and foresight tools for leaders in business, the public sector and NGOs, to aid their practice in strategy, decision making and change.Vezava: Mehka29,86 €
Knowledge and Power(2022) GILDER, GEORGERonald Reagan’s most-quoted living author—George Gilder—is back with an all-new paradigm-shifting theory of capitalism that will upturn conventional wisdom.Vezava: Mehka18,05 €
Routledge Handbook of Marxism and Post-Marxism(2022)This Handbook explores the development of Marxism and Post-Marxism, setting them in dialogue against a truly global backdrop. Transcending traditional disciplinary boundaries an international range of expert contributors guide the reader through the mainVezava: Mehka76,31 €